Sunday, January 23, 2011

Thank you's

SF Giants Fantasy Camp / CMT Charity Event, Thanks You's

Deb, my beautiful wife, for her support, time, effort and love
Will, for playing catch with me before school and always going to the batting cages with me.
Sammy, and his friends, for stuffing and addressing all the flyers and his support of my cause.
Alexander and Rebecca for great support and encouragement.
Patty, in my office, for doing everything to help out.
Jimmy for getting me in to shape, Tito for helping me when injured and Vaughn for working on all my baseball skills.
The donors who's generousity has truly touched my heart.
The doctors and board of CMTA who work tirelessly in search of a cure.

Off to camp in Scotsdale, AZ in the morning..I''ll post daily updates for those watching my hit count.


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