Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Hey, I wanted to give some thanks to those who have helped get this up and running:

My wife Deborah and kids, Alexander, Sammy, Rebecca and Will for their great support and love. Especially, when you're dealing with a crazy dad.

Patty Macmillan for going beyond the call of duty

Jeff Huang for his blog start up

Colleen Shapiro for her great ideas and support

Megan Macmillan for stepping in on a Saturday for ten hours of work...

Mary Poudrier for helping out in all areas

Cori Weber for her design of the mailer and putting up with my lack of focus.

All the gang at the Charcot Marie Tooth Assc. and board members who's hard work and dedication make my doing this look like a piece of cake.

Everyone at First Artists Management

Anyone I missed, I'll do another post...but thank you all...



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